COVID-19: Best Practices for Business | Forensic Analytical Consulting Services
(888) 711-9998

COVID-19 Response

Operations must continue, and your employees' safety is at the forefront of your business plan.

Organizations must prepare for near-term impacts brought on by COVID-19, but also for a “new normal” of how to include protecting their people and stakeholders while continuing to conduct business with this threat.


Infection Prevention Plan Development.

  • Creating, reviewing, and implementing infection prevention plans. These plans can include, but are not limited to:
    • situational planning for outbreak events (such as COVID-19), one-off infectious disease cases, and control of routine illness (such as during flu season);
    • control strategies including work modifications, medical monitoring/screening, cleaning/disinfection, hand/personal hygiene, isolation provisions, and personal protective equipment (e.g., gloves, respirators);
    • tiered response to routine prevention, community cases, and site-specific cases;
    • specifications for cleaning/disinfection of high and low impacted surfaces, cleaning frequency, cleaning agents, and validation measures; and
    • communication strategies to reinforce actions, ensure accurate information, and provide support during crisis events.

      Cleaning/Disinfection Support

  • Developing cleaning/disinfection specifications that categorize surfaces for high/low frequency cleaning, describe cleaning methods, identify products, and provide hand/personal hygiene guidance. FACS also provides general training on specifications and observe cleaning/disinfection activities to document that they have been followed.

      Awareness Training / Risk Communication.

  • Training stakeholders on infection prevention plan elements as well as helping to address stakeholder questions and concerns related to environmental health concerns around outbreaks, site cases, and other issues. (Medical expertise can be integrated, if appropriate.)

      Medical Monitoring/Screening Support.

  • Through our occupational and environmental medicine partner Cogency, FACS can provide clients with support on programs to monitor/screen employees, customers, vendors and other stakeholders for risk factors, both related to passing on illness and acquiring illness. This partnership allows for M.D. review of infection prevention plans and cleaning/disinfection protocols.

      Incident Response.

  • When a known case has been present at a facility, FACS can assist with an incident-specific assessment to determine an appropriate response action plan (e.g., scope of cleaning/disinfection, medical monitoring, work modification, stakeholder risk communication).

      Respiratory Protection: Programs, Fit-Testing, Training.

  • Developing/reviewing respiratory protection programs, selecting equipment, conducting fit testing, and providing training on proper use and care per occupational health and safety regulations.

      Building Shut-Down / Start-Up Support.

  • Assisting building owners/managers in identifying, preventing, and responding to issues associated with building closures (e.g., water quality, moisture control, ventilation, re-occupancy inspections/cleaning, stakeholder concerns).

    Please contact us with questions or if our experts can be of assistance in managing your response.

    Or call us directly at (888) 711-9998.
