Emergency response plans are an essential part of multifamily property management. When troubles present themselves (and they invariably will) the emergency response plan is the guide that can turn chaos into calm and deliberate action. The property management team that knows the plan and has practiced the plan is miles ahead of the team that… Read more »
Turning Liability into Opportunity
We have all seen the headlines: bacterial outbreaks, chemical contamination, mold lurking behind walls. They are attention-getters that play upon our fear of the unknown and how it may harm us. This is the realm of environmental health, the study, and management of human health impacts arising from physical, chemical, and biological agents in our… Read more »
Protecting Schools Against the Risks of Wildfire Smoke Particulate Matter
Wildfires are occurring more frequently than ever before, and the smoke from those fires is threatening the health of not only those who live near the fire but can adversely impact schools and communities hundreds of miles away. Air quality degradation due to wildfire smoke often puts school administrators in the uncomfortable position of balancing… Read more »
Healthy Building Fundamentals: An Overview of the Process
The healthy building movement is not a new idea (it is decades old), but voices in support of a closer look at building health were amplified sharply by the COVID pandemic. Property owners who gave the healthy building concept little thought pre-pandemic are now taking a closer look — and for good reason: Building health… Read more »